Monday, January 31, 2011

You Can Do to Be Happy.....

1.      Go for a Walk: If there's one thing that's virtually guaranteed to make you feel better, it's going for a walk. Walking is one of the most therapeutic things any person can do for relieving anxiety and stress. Go for a walk in the park. Walk slowly and admire the view. If you have a pet dog, take your dog for a walk. Several studies have shown the stress-relieving and improved heart health benefits of pets.

2.      Talk to Someone: When you are having a sad day it is a good idea to talk to someone and not hold what you are feeling inside. As much as possible, spend time with those you love, and with others who you enjoy. It could be a simple phone call, or a short visit.

3.      Laugh: Laughing can soften the blows. As someone once said, humor is a free ride to happiness. Not only is it good for your heart, but also for you and the people near you.

4.      Watch a movie: Movies are an inexpensive way to change your mood in a few hours. Pick something you really like. It doesn't have to be something that makes you really think; it might be just a good fun film.

5.      Take a hot shower: Just close your eyes and relax and let the water massage you. You will feel better and happier.

6.      Listen to Music: A great way to change your mood from sad to happy is to put on some upbeat music, sit comfortably in your favorite chair and listen to it. Studies have found that listening to music activates reward centers of the brain, releasing dopamine, and giving you the same hit of happiness that you would get from a piece of chocolate or sex.

7.      Treat yourself: Take a few minutes each day to give yourself a little treat, whether that's something like chocolate or gifts or taking a nap.

8.      Do something new: Nothing excites quite like something new. So go out and do something fun that you haven't done for a while, or even something that you haven't ever done before. Even spending time to learn something new will help. Learn a new language or spend time on the Internet reading about a subject that you wish you knew more about.

9.      Finish a long-postponed task: Finishing a task that you have been postponing for a long time -- like cleaning your wardrobe or desk, or making an appointment with your dentist -- will give you a rush of elation.

10.  Make someone happy: Just make someone feel great and you will feel as well. Listening to a friend, passing on your skills, celebrating others' successes, and forgiveness also contribute to happiness.

11.  Take breaks: Everyone needs breaks. Don't skip them to get a head start on other work. Take this time to relax and do something you enjoy.

Try using a combination of different sadness relief methods and avoid using only one. The more ways you can implement relaxation, enjoyment and positive thinking into your lifestyle, the less sadness you will have a hold on your life.

Wish u joyful Life...